Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You Can't Believe It

I am currently smiling all the way doing this post. I had waited to do this post for such a long time! ITS FINALLY HERE! ITS FINALLY HERE!!

Unique Skin is a company which prints laptops and other gadgets and devices' skins. It provides full customisation and also with a variety of design they have themselves. This is what I personally like about them. We can design our own kind of skin to be used on our gadgets. It makes the gadget special and unique. Perhaps, that is why they named themselves unique skin.

Ordering the product is rather easy too! All I need is a web browser and the applets to design your skin is already in the webpage itself. No messy workarounds with jpeg files and photoshop. Self Customisation made easy.

Visit http://www.uniqueskins.com for more details.

View my next post for the unboxing and applying of Unique skin.

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