Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ubuntu copies

Yes! I just received my copies of Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron from Canonical today.

You may borrow the cd from me if you want to try Ubuntu. It's a livecd, and also install cd. Which means if you want to give it a try on the operating system first before installing it onto your computer and perhaps destroying your data and formatting your hard drive. Perfect operating system I would say. Will post a review on Ubuntu some time later.

Oh ya. By the way, the cd image is downloadable from www.ubuntu.com

You can also request the cds from canonical directly. They said that the whole process may take up to 10weeks, but I received mine just 2 weeks later after I requested for it. You may want to consider it too as there are cool ubuntu stickers in the envelope, which i paste it on my laptop.


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